
Date: March 27, 2025


Feature Enhancement

Dashboard warnings are now easier to read with warnings of the same type grouped together. Scroll through the warnings to get a complete overview of the overall status of the workspace, then expand warnings to see and address each one.


Feature Enhancement   

The Current Beneficiary Enrollment has been added to the Reports page on Greenshades Online and can be used to view an up-to-date list of employee’s beneficiaries for current elections.

Feature Enhancement   

The Employee List Report, found in the Reports section of Greenshades Online, has new columns available and an updated grid. Employee Hire date, Division, and Class are now available columns for this data grid.




Feature Enhancement   

New hires going through Onboarding or the Welcome Wizard will now have the option to select whether they are exempt or non-exempt for Pennsylvania. The REV-419 is not required to be on file for non-exempt employees. Selecting “withhold taxes” will allow the employee to complete Onboarding without submitting an REV-419 form.