
By default, Greenshades includes every employee with an Employment Status of Active that is assigned to a pay schedule into newly created pay runs for that respective pay schedule. Greenshades will include Active employees in a pay run, even if they have no hours and no wages at pay run start. Including employees even though they do not yet have hours and/or wages, can allow for proper processing of scenarios where employees are simply unscheduled or on unpaid leave, but still need health insurance or other deductions recorded and added to arrears. 

There are multiple ways to control the employee's Employment Status, and therefore determine if they get pulled into a pay run. Using the proper combination of these options that work best for your business and it's operation, will allow for both automated and flexible management of employee activity in scheduled pay runs:

Editing the Employee Information

Manually managing the employee information, primarily their Employment Status and Pay Schedule, ensures the employee's information is accurate for reporting and scheduled payroll availability. Directly editing the employee card allows you more granular control and the ability to update all additional fields, such as Termination Date, that may need to be changed when an employee is no longer active. This method is common for employers who want individual control on their employees and is a part of their normal workflow when an employee leaves.

To manually update an employee's Employment Status, navigate to the employee card, expand Employment, select Information, then click Edit under the employee's information details.

Automatically set employees to inactive based on pay history:

Greenshades can automatically set an employee to inactive for you after seeing the employee has gone a set amount of time without pay. This setting is ideal to enable for situations where employees have been hired and never started work, for employers with dynamic staffing needs or evolving team compositions. When the employee's employment status is inactive, they will no longer be included in future pay runs.

To have Greenshades check if an employee should be inactive, navigate to Settings>Pay History. At the bottom of the page, check the box to enable the automatic employment status updates, then specify the number of days in the past that should indicate an employee is not active if they have not received any wages. For example, if employees typically get paid bi-weekly, setting the number of days without wages to 60, or about four pay runs, may properly determine if an employee should no longer be active within your company. Each company is different and the number of days specified may vary in accordance with your company's needs and policies.

Remove employees from the pay run: 

Removing employees directly from the pay run is a quick way to ensure your payroll only includes the employees you want included. Since employees are included in a pay run based on their Pay Schedule and their Employment Status, this solution is ideal for one-off removals. Otherwise, the employee would need to be removed every time. There are a few ways to remove employees within the pay run:


Option 1: Review & Submit bulk removal

On the final step, Review & Submit, of the payroll process, Greenshades will inform you if there's any employees with $0 net wages. If there are no wages or deductions, that may indicate the employee should not be processed in this payroll. 

Clicking the the info message will provide a list of employees with $0 net wages. Here, you can select all of the employees at once or individually select employees that may not need to be included in this pay run. 

Click here to learn more about how to process a pay run.


Option 2: Removing employees at the start of payroll 

If you already know of employees that should not be included in the payroll you are processing, you can remove them at the start of the pay run. On step 1, Employees, check the box on the row of the employee(s), then select Delete Rows.